Financial Planning
Rodney Fox Private Wealth exercises skills of a more specialist nature in this area. Some of the way in which we differ from other financial planners include:
Our systems can handle vast amounts of funds under management with our biggest investor currently holding a portfolio value of over $8 million.
Self Managed Super Funds
With over 15 years of experience and ongoing training, Rodney Fox offers specialist self managed superannuation fund services by ensuring you receive the most up-to-date and informed advice.
Rodney Fox Private Wealth offers tailored solutions with expert advice to ensure you as the client are in control of all of your money to achieve the best performance and maximum tax advantages.
Investment Loans
Rodney Fox Private Wealth is set apart from retail banks through its comprehensive understanding of its clients and their needs. Investment loans most commonly fund business properties and are a central part of any small to medium size business.
For more information about investment loan services please contact us for a free consultation.
Direct Equity
Rodney Fox Private Wealth offers comprehensive research along with back office support (including buy and sell services) ensuring that you as the client can benefit from a ‘one stop shop’ portfolio solution.
If you are new to direct equity investment or are considering a change to your investment strategy please contact us for a free consultation.
Insurance Bonds
Insurance bonds offer significant long-term tax efficiencies as well as planning possible next generation needs. In concert with other wealth programs insurance bonds add a significant amount of diversification and stability to a long term portfolio.
For more information on Insurance Bonds and the services we offer please arrange for a free consultation.
Risk Insurance
Whilst risk insurance is not a popular product for Australians, it is common for high net worth individuals and families. Outsourcing risk minimises the effect of unexpected events such as death or disability within your family or business.
If you would like more information or would like to know if this product is right for you please give us a call or arrange for a free consultation.
As a registered tax agent, Rodney Fox is able to offer sound taxation advice alongside all of the other advice to ensure you as the client are receiving the best advantages and most effective solutions for your financial situation.
For further information regarding taxation queries please contact us.